Ahmed El Sboki has his eyes on Khaliji singer Remas.

  • News
  • 09:35 PM - 30 April 2012
  • 3 photos

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To star in his new film with the same due Saad El Soghayar and Dina; producer Ahmed El Sobki chose Khaliji singer Remas and is currently having workshops with the cast prepping for their parts. The name of the film is not chosen yet but El Sobki will not start shooting except after the release of Saad's new film "Hasal Khair" to theaters. "Hasal Khair" is written by Sayid El Sobki and directed by Ismail Farouq and also stars Lebanese star Amar, Mohamed Ramadan, Tareq Al Sheikh and Amina.Remas is currently busy her new album which contains ten songs and she finished recording seven where two songs are in Khaiji and eight in Egyptian. A dynamic team of poets, composers and musicians is behind Remas' new album like Walid Mounir, Khaled Al Gamaan, Ahmed Shaa, Salam Ali and Walid Mimney.

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