With Pictures: Samo Zaen shines in Iraq

  • News
  • 09:19 AM - 2 May 2012
  • 7 photos

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Syrian star Samo Zaen recently gave 2 concerts in Arbil, Iraq, in which he sang many of his popular songs such as “Malaksh daawa bya”, “Ana leek”, “Araby lya”, “Alshan khater eineek” as well as the head song of his new album “El Ward El Ahmar”. The crowd also asked him to sing some of the most popular Iraqi songs like “Zedeeny eshqan” and “Talaa men beet aboha”, for which he responded immediately.Samo Zaen’s new album will be released in a few days after it was delayed more than once. The album includes 11 songs arranged by Club House:1. Bethlawy2. Ady3. El Ward El Ahmar4. Helemt Beky5. Habiby w ana6. Mestaatel7. Ya sidy8. Fares Ahlamak9. Men Enya10. Ana Mostaaed11. Helemt Beky

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