15th annual Ismailia Festival celebrates Arab revolutions

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  • 03:33 PM - 4 May 2012
  • 1 photo

In his interview with Al-Jazeera, Film Critic Amir El-Omary, president of Ismailia Film Festival, announced that the 15th edition of the festival will be dedicated to celebrate the revolutions in the Arab world. The feature will be called "El Thawra kma yraha el akhar" or "Revolution in their eyes"; all five films will be for foreign directors, some of which will be premiered for the first time.He said it wasn't easy to select the best films about the revolution, so it took him and the jury a lot of work.Another two features are present; the first is "Fadaa el Mobd'een" or "Creativity Space" in which all creative filmmakers get to present their over-the-top innovations in cinema, while the second is "Nazra Ela El Mady" or "A look back" in which old short films and documentaries will be renovated and represented as classics.The Festival stars 23rd of June and ends on the 28th.

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