Samo Zaen films his new video in Greece

  • News
  • 01:08 PM - 9 May 2012
  • 1 photo

Samo Zaen traveled to Greece to film the first music video of his new album "El Ward El Ahmar" set for release 17th of May.His Egyptian Greek friend Sherif Francis will direct it. The video will be released days after the album release.After filming the song, he will fly to Dubai to give a concert in Media City the 11th of May.Samo's album will be released in the next few days and will include 11 songs: "Bethlawy", "ady", "El ward El Ahmar", "Helemt beky", "Habiby ana", "Mestaktel", "Ya Sidy", "Fares Ahlamak", "Men Enya", "Ana Mostaed" and "Helemt Beky".

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