"Share' El hob" remake starring Saad El-Soghayar

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  • 12:15 PM - 11 May 2012
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Saad El-Soghayar signed a contract with Ehab Habib, managing director for Fam Media Production to star for the first time in a series. It will be a sitcom called "Share' El Hob" or "Love street".The sitcom will be a remake, of sorts, of Abdel Halim Hafez's film with the same name, but with more comedy involved. It tells the story of a guy who loves singing but surrounded by naysayers who don't believe in him, especially his love interest. The rest of the crew is not yet determined.Saad El-Soghayar currently awaits the release of his film "Hassal Kheir", directed by Ismail Farouk, starring Qamar, Karim Mahmoud Abdel Azeez, Mohamed Ramadan and Tarek El-Sheikh.

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