Nasrallah tweets that "Baad Al Mawkea" is not released in Israel.

  • News
  • 01:03 PM - 24 May 2012
  • 1 photo

Director Yousry Nasrallah denied through his Twitter account all rumors about his film "Baad Al Mawkea – After the Battel" being released in Israel. Nasrallah said that "New Century" is the only distribution company that has all rights in Egypt and in the Middle East – including Israel- and that the French company has no right in distributions in the Middle East. Nasrallah is very proud of his film which represents Egypt's return to Cannes after a 15 year of absence and said that the American and French posts: Lomonde, New York Times, Liberation, Variety and Hollywood Reporter are blown away with it! "Baad Al Mawkeaa" is competing with 21 films in the Competition and Narallah hopes that the Jury members would see what those papers saw in his film.

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