Ismailia Festival hosts the prestigious Clermont Veran Festival

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  • 03:59 PM - 26 May 2012
  • 1 photo

Clermont Veran Festival will be a guest for Ismailia International Festival in its 15th edition next June.This will be the 2nd time Ismailia Festival hosts another one during it. Amir El-Omary, festival director, said he chose Clermont Veran because it's a respectful festival that didn't depend on governmental help and reached this level on its own.El-Omary assured that they will shed some light on the festival's journey and the methods it used to achieve its success.Two programs of 14 short films will be screened that won awards in recent years, so young guys would get the chance to watch award winning works, due to the prestige of Clermont Veran.This edition of Ismailia Festival will start the 23rd of June and end on the 28th.

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