Director Sang-soo Im: I have a desire to criticize the European community.

  • News
  • 09:24 PM - 26 May 2012
  • 5 photos

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Filmmakers for the Korean film "Do-nui mat – The Taste of Money" called for a press conference today at the 65th Cannes International Film Festival which started on 16 May and will end tomorrow 27th.Director Sang-soo Im attended with lead actors where he first spoke about his fictional and weird film characters and hope that they were acceptable to the viewers. Sang-soo said the wanted to present the idea of equality between men and women as his film revolves around a relationship between an old woman and a young man and how unacceptable it is in Korea whereas the opposite is. He found some resemblance with his previous film as they both express his own visions in life. Sang-soo also spoke about the corruption in South Korea and that it does not only exist there, and if the geographical invasion is over it is still under an economic one. He said that one day he will criticize the European community and not just the Korean one.

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