Audio: Hani Shaker and Abady El Gohar in Oscar Video Clip for the first time.

  • News
  • 06:58 PM - 2 June 2012
  • 1 photo

Egyptian Singer Hani Shaker and Saudi singer Abady El Gohar have decided to sing their duet in the Oscar Video Clip festival in Cairo which is held at the Media Production City at the end of this month. This is the first time that this duet will be sung in this festival for the audience. The duet was recorded a few days ago in Al Hob Sound Studio entitled "Masr El Soudeya Torid – Egypt Saudi Want" and it was written by Saudi poet Abdalla Abu Ras and composed by Naser El Saleh. It was made to strengthen the relationship between both countries and to proof the historical bond that is stronger than any conflict and cannot be broken.Click here to listen:

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