Screening of Oscar winning Iranian film in Dubai for the first time

  • News
  • 11:46 AM - 4 June 2012
  • 1 photo

Knowledge village conference center witnessed the screening if Iranian film "Enfesal Nader w Semine" as part of the co-operation between documentary voices festival and Dubai International Film Festival.The film has lots of awards and acknowledgments in its accolades, winning the Oscar for best film in a foreign language and best film in Berlin Film Festival and was honored in Sydney and South Africa and many others.The film is set in Iran, where a young woman from of a middle class family who wants to leave the country with her husband and kid. When met with reluctance she threatens to ask for divorce as her husband claims they can't go in order to take care of his sick father. Other problems arise because of the maid they get to take care of the old man.The film is directed by Asghar Farhadi, starring Leila Hatami and Peyman Moaadi. There was a reception before the screening of the film, then after the screening a behind the scenes session was conducted with a symposium attended by the film stars.

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