Maged El-Mohandes delays his album till Eid El Fitr

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  • 05:01 PM - 5 June 2012
  • 1 photo

Singer Maged El-Mohandes decided to put his album release on hold until Eid El Fitr due to the unstable conditions Arab countries are currently going through, and thought to take the chance to adjust a couple of things in the album.He stated that he does his best to entertain the people with his songs, and apologized for any delays and said they are for the sake of his fans all over the Arab world.He went to Paris with professional photographer Mohanad El-Naemy to shoot his album cover in order to make it unique and different.Maged was recently forced to release his song "Saharny halaha" after it was leaked online under the name "Bent El ryad", so the producing company thought it was better for it to spread around in its final form.

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