"Regheef eish" is rejected by censorship

  • News
  • 12:41 PM - 5 June 2012
  • 1 photo

Producer Ahmed Garada announced that the censorship rejected his 2 months in the making film "Regheef eish" as they claim it calls for normalization with Israel, while writer Mohamed Qenawy assured it only calls for peace and co-operation between all people regardless of their sex, color or religion.The film was supposed to tell the story of three citizens (Egyptian, Palestinian and Israeli) who work together to overcome poverty in the bad economic conditions in the current scene.Garada is currently choosing between thee screenplays to produce his next film in which he will count on Kamela Abou Zekra to direct it, and will use the same stars he was going to use for "Reghif eish" which are Amr Saad, Jumana Murad, Kenda Aloush, Marwa, Afaf Shoaib and Salah Abdallah.

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