Amr Mostafa on food strike for the sake of the Mubarak!

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  • 10:57 PM - 9 June 2012
  • 1 photo

Singer and composer Amr Mostafa had his clear position against the 25 Jan revolution which he announced to the world since it started. Now, he stated on his Facebook that he is on food strike starting today in solidarity with the former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak especially since the serious drop in his health when he was sent to Tora Prison.Amr Facebook status said:" Starting today, I declare my food strike until the President Mohamed Hosni Mubarak is freed from prison and to register his condition to all human rights organizations so no one will defeat such a similar case in front of the international community."Amr also demanded all Mubarak supporters to read Surat Yaseen from the Quran for him and to pray to God for his release.

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