With Video: Amr Waked anticipated about "Al Shetta Elly Fat".

  • News
  • 11:34 AM - 25 June 2012
  • 1 photo

Actor Amr Waked stated in his interview with during the 15th Ismailia International Festival for Documentaries and Short Films that he has finished shooting his new film "Al Shetta Elly Fat – Last Winter" with director Ibrahim Al Batout and is about the ruling regime in Egypt before the 25 Jan revolution. The film which is participated in Venice and Toronto Film Festivals stars Farah Youssef and Salah Hanafi and will be released to theaters by the end of this year.Waked is also waiting the release of his film "Salmon Fishing in the Yemen" in Egypt and said that he was absent from the Ramadan dramas this year for his busy shooting schedule of two films and two series in France.On the other hand, Waked expressed his discomfort with the recent TV ad entitled "Al Gasous - The Spy".

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