With Pictures: Tame Hosny welcomed with warmth at Jerash.

  • News
  • 09:53 PM - 10 July 2012
  • 8 photos

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After his concert at the closing night at the 8th Mazagan Nights Festival; Tamer Hosni arrived yesterday morning to Jerash for his concert at the 27th Jerash Festival of Culture and Arts tonight.The 27th edition of Jerash Festival started on Wednesday 5 July and will end on the 14th and include many cultural and artistic events for local, Arabic and international bands and singers. Tamer was welcomed by his fans who were there to take pictures with him and gave Tamer a clearer idea how much he is loved there.On Twitter, Tamer expressed his happiness for participating in Jerash Festival for the first time and said "It was a dream to sing on Jerash theater for the great Jordanian audience. I hope I will meet you there".

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