Ramadan drama magnet attracts Ahmed Helmy and Mona Zaki to work together for the 1st time.

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  • 03:47 AM - 24 July 2012
  • 1 photo

We knew at by our private resources that the married couple and stars Ahmed Helmy and Mona Zaki are preparing for a Ramadan drama for 2013. They will work together for the first time in a TV series which will be produced by Shadows Communication.Even though this project is surrounded by secrecy and no details are announced yet, but we knew that the cast and crew are completed and work should start after Eid El Fitr.It has been said however that the couple are preparing for a film together which is written by Tamer Habib and directed by Khaled Marei; but so far it is not clear if this film is turned into a TV series or those two projects are completely separate.

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