Amr Waked is officially in the 69th Venice International Film Festival.

  • News
  • 06:25 PM - 27 July 2012
  • 1 photo

Actor Amr Waked and director Ibrahim El Batout in a press conference held yesterday at the American University in Cairo that their film "Al Sheta Elly Fat" is participating in the "Orizzonti – Horizon" competition at the 69th Venice International Film Festival.El Batout said that this film was created after his return to Egypt on 9 February 2011 after the 25Jan revolution when he went to Midan El Tahrir. He discussed his project with actors Amr Waked and Farah Youssef who agreed immediately and they started shooting in the square. The film is revolved around three people during the 18 days of the revolution and is not about the revolution itself. As for Waked, he said that the budget of the film reached 5 million pounds where three production companies worked in it and they are Zad, Ein Shams and Aroma. He added that they didn't receive any financial support from any festivals or foreign parties due to the sensitivity of the subject of the film.Waked criticized the distribution policy in Egypt where they didn't reach an agreement yet for the film to be released locally. They are still searching for an appropriate deal to release the film in a proper number of cinemas.Producer Ahmed El menshawy said that they are studying a project with some banks to build a number of cinemas in local residential areas in order to develop the film making industry.

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