Lady Gaga is proud at any size with 30 more Kilos!

  • News
  • 09:46 PM - 31 October 2012
  • 2 photos

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American Pop star Lady Gaga hits back at the media with a statements about the recent interest in her weight gain. Lady Gaga gained about 30 Kilos and felt the media are being ridiculous for paying lots of attention to this news instead of concentrating on what's going in the world of wars, economy crashing and elections. She expressed her resentment to their attitude toward her weight and said "what example are you giving to young girls when they watch news about her weight gain!""Adele is bigger than me, how come nobody says anything about it? She’s so wonderful and I think her confidence is something I have to match. She has set the bar very high for a lot of women." Lady Gaga defended her new size.It's worth mentioning that Lady Gaga is singing in "The Great Gatsby" which is due to hit theaters in May 2013.

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