So Hard to Say Goodbye: Taylor Lautner Talks the Twilight Family

  • News
  • 02:31 PM - 13 November 2012
  • 3 photos

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Taylor Lautner was in Los Angeles yesterday promoting “Breaking Dawn – Part 2,” the last film in the Twilight Saga. Lautner said it would be very difficult to say goodbye to the Twilight world, which has been his reality since the first film in 2008.

What will he miss? “The first thing will probably be the entire cast, who are like my family now. This will be tough to say goodbye to, all the fans, they've just been amazing, and the character Jacob will be tough to say goodbye to.”

The last book of the Twilight series was broken up into two movies, the second of which is coming out tomorrow in Egyptian cinemas.

“Breaking Dawn – Part 1” followed Edward and Bella’s love story through their long-awaited wedding and honeymoon. Complications arose, naturally, with the arrival of a vampire baby growing inside of Bella, threatening her life at every turn. The wolf vs. vampire war raged on, leaving Jacob to choose between protecting his family or his closest friend. "Breaking Dawn - Part 2" revolves primarily around Bella's transformation from simpleton to vampire.

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