Lady Gaga Gets Cozy With Lions in South Africa

  • News
  • 12:14 PM - 2 December 2012
  • 1 photo

After receiving a warm welcome in the Johannesburg airport, Lady Gaga began an adventurous vacation in South Africa preceding her tour dates in the country. Naturally, Gaga tweeted multiple pictures of her, mid-safari, within close proximity of lions in the forests of South Africa.

One of the twitpics shows Gaga very close to some very large lions. She writes, "Safari picture: in this photo I'm about 10 feet from 13 lions, 2 cubs. I spend about 30 minutes w [with] them and took a nap!"

The superstar, known for her eccentric fashion stylings, seemed at home with the predatory animals, tweeting later, "I took this one about 5 feet away from her, isn't she beautiful!"

The safari show-and-tell comes on the heels of a financially disappointing turnout for her "Born This Way" tour in South America. In Peru, the stadium she performed in had a total capacity of 52 thousand; only 17 thousand seats were filled.

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