Angelina Jolie: Will retire only when my children are teenagers.

  • News
  • 12:29 PM - 2 December 2012
  • 1 photo

Eventhough motherhood took her away from a UN Ambassador for Goodwill; Hollywoodstar Angelina Jolie admitted that she will honor that character in her more andretire acting once her children are teenagers.

Duringher interview with Kathy Newman from News 4; Jolie said she is very satisfiedwith her career and considers herself lucky for being part of the filmindustry. But since she believes her children will require more attention and amore firm management; she said she considers quitting this career once theyreach that stage in life. Her happiness will not be affected as she will be asthrilled to be at home with her children.

Joliecommitted to her responsibility towards Syrian women and to the inhumane violationsthey face daily. She added that she feels she needs to give the world more asthe Goodwill Ambassador.

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