Hugh Jackman has his eyes on 007 after Daniel Craig

  • News
  • 11:22 PM - 10 December 2012
  • 3 photos

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After regretting turning down the offer toplay James Bond in 2006 "Casino Royal"; star Hugh Jackman expressedhis will to nail the 007 part when Daniel Craig is too old to play it!

Jackman was joking with that last comment andsaid he and Craig are close friends but he is serious about having his eyes onthe very famous secret agent and that he is waiting for Craig to complete theseries he is signed for and then he is sure he will get the part.

Craig has signed for the 24th and25th films of the series to make his total of Bond films five andscoring the third actor to present this character.

Jackman spoke about this dream of his duringthe premiere of the musical version of Victor Hugo's "Les Miserables"in London where he plays the role of Jean Valjean.

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