Amal Rizq supports postponing "Black February"

  • News
  • 10:05 PM - 31 January 2013
  • 2 photos

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Lead actress in "Febrayer El Aswad" (Black February) told she supports the decision to postpone releasing the film in theaters as a result of the unstable political situation in Egypt.

Amal said,"It is totally absurd to go to cinemas and entertain ourselves while our brothers and sons are being killed in the streets." She added that she'd prefer for the film to hit theaters in February which will be at least matched up with its title. Amal assured us that the release of the film will be linked to the situation in Egypt and worst comes to worst, it might be released in the summer season.

When asked about her role in the film, Amal said, "I play Khaled Saleh's wife, who is a scientific researcher, and they are always arguing because she has a realistic outlook on reality while he has a very perfect, unreal outlook. At the end, the film will decide which point of view will win, the utopian look or the reality one."

"Febrayer El Aswad" was written and directed by Mohamed Amin and stars Ahmed Zaher and Mayar El Gheety and was supposed to hit theaters in 23 January.

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