Great actor Mohamed Heneidi, scriptwriter Yousef Maati, Iraqidirector Mohsen El Ali and art producer Mohamed Zaaza travelled to Doha, Qatarand met with Ecomedia for Art and Media Production to prepare for the upcomingplay "Awdet Jivara"(The Return of Jivara".
Ecomedia general manager Oday El Taee held a number of workshopswith the play cast where they set the outline for the play and agreed on moremeetings with them.
"Awdet Jivara" is a political comedy that revolvesaround the political situations in the Arabic countries and was given thistitle initially and is planned to be released after Eid Al Fitr in Cairo andsome Arabic and European countries and will be videotaped.
The play cast said they are pleased to work with the Qatariproduction company and praised its continuous effort to make valuable artisticworks. They also expressed their happiness to visit Qatar especially during theArabic Theater Festival which is taking place there.
El Taee said that "Awdet Jivara" comes in harmony withthe company's philosophy in making art work that has a vision and a valuabletarget as they made "Soqout Al Khelafa" series, "Al Soqout"play with the great Arabic theater actor Doraid Lahham, the animation"Dinar" and finally the historical series "Khaibar" whichis being filmed in Cairo to be released in Ramadan.
As for the play director Mohsen Ali, he commented:"This thefourth time I work with Ecomedia after directing "Al Soqout" andbeing the executive producer for "Soqout Al Khelafa" and"Khaibar". The play has all elements of success with the uniqueartistic vision of Heneidi and Maati. The producers are offering both financialand soul support needed." He also assured his happiness to be part of thisplay confirming that they are about to make an advanced piece of art from allaspects.