Arwa Gouda: Violence is from a Particular Party, Not the Revolutionaries

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  • 02:44 PM - 2 February 2013
  • 1 photo

Actress Arwa Gouda released a statement to regarding the most recent political outburst, or more specifically the clashes following "Gomaa el Khalas" (Friday of Deliverance). Gouda said that what's happened has gone beyond the limit, and she has started to pray for the salvation of Egypt, which is mentioned both in the Bible and the Koran.

Arwa asked that everyone stand behind Egypt, and not to think about their own self-interest. She also said that the youth, who saved Egypt from the former regime with a clean revolution, have impressed everyone.

She closed her statement with, "Enough sabotage and destruction in our country. The violence is coming from a particular party, not the revolutionaries and the 18 days were a testament to that."

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