Britney Spears' Valentines Date with a Mystery Man

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  • 08:41 PM - 16 February 2013
  • 1 photo

Britney Spears has had photographers following her around since she was a young teen, spinning stories sometimes out of nothing. She is probably used to it by now, which is good because the latest buzz on Britney is that there may be a new romance in her life.

Just over a month after her split from former fiancee Jason Trawick, Britney was spotted having a Valentine's Day dinner with a "mystery man" in Calabasas, California, according to Spears and her former agent Trawick split amicably in January, breaking off their engagement.

It isn't all teddy bears and chocolates for the grown up pop princess. Britney, 31, is working on her eighth studio album, which should be out soon.

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