Nabil Shuail's son puts X Factor judges in an awkward situation

  • News
  • 02:51 PM - 23 February 2013
  • 1 photo

In their second episode of scanning talentsand passing a few and eliminating many- judges of X Factor faced somewhat of anawkward situation when they were face to face with Nabil Shuail's son Ahmed whoshowed up for the auditions.

Ahmed, who appeared unconfident which resultedin a not very successful audition left Wael Kfoury, Elissa, Hussein El Jassmiand Carole Samaha in a conflict, where the ladies where harsh enough to voteagainst letting him pass to the next stage of the competition whereas the gentlemenwanted to give a second chance and voted yes. However, the final result wasagainst letting Ahmed pass to the second stage of the X Factor!

And letting go of some firmness, Elissa showedsome sympathy with a few auditions where she voted yes to a competitor who wasnot able to perform well in his first audition where Carole blamed the fear offacing talented judges to be behind some bad presentations.

It's worth mentioning that The X Factorprogram goes from auditions, to "Boot Camp", followed by "JudgesHouses" and eventually left for the viewers from home to vote in favour ofthe talent that deserves to make to the finals and the live shows which will bepresented by Bassel Al Zaro and Yosra El Lawzy.

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