Oscars 2013: Best Foreign Film Goes to Haneke's "Amour"

  • News
  • 04:54 AM - 25 February 2013
  • 1 photo

"Amour" director Michael Haneke, 70, picked up the Oscar for best foreign film at last night's 85th Academy Awards. The film was nominated in five categories.

Big wins were potentially in store for "Amour," for which star Emmanuelle Riva, 86, won Best Actress at this year's BAFTAs. It also won the award for best foreign language film at the BAFTAs and the Golden Globes, in addition to the coveted Palme d'Or at the 2012 Cannes Festival.

Haneke thanked his wife, who he said "was a member of the crew. You are the center of my life."

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