Rihanna's 5-year-plan: Marriage and Babies (with Chris Brown)

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  • 06:21 PM - 2 March 2013
  • 1 photo

Rihanna's Elle cover just came out and the 25-year-old star, who looks stunning in a checkered crop top with boy-short hair, opened up about her goals to start a family and have kids within the next five years.

"I will probably have a kid," she said. "And I'm praying I can go on vacation for a good month. And I'll have set some things up so I don't have to tour for the rest of my life, even though I love touring. I want health and happiness in five years. I want to be healthy and happy." She's maintained an intense touring schedule for the past two years, so a vacation is well deserved.

Rihanna also explained that her relatively new pistol tattoo is a symbol of power, claiming "I am no longer a victim." She also talked about her boyfriend Chris Brown, who she recently got back together with.

"Right now that's just what we want, a great friendship that's unbreakable. Now that we're adults we can do this right. We got a fresh start and I'm thankful for that." Their reconciliation caused quite a stir, as Chris Brown famously beat her to a pulp in 2009. The two plan on getting married next summer.

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