Justin Timberlake Gets Real Honest About Drug Use at Coachella

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  • 09:35 AM - 2 April 2013
  • 1 photo

Bringer-of-sexy-back, music man Justin Timberlake has gotten a bit too honest, particularly on the subject of hallucinatory drug use at a recent music festival. He admitted on Myspace that he took many substance and "was tripping [his] mind out at Coachella."

The 32-year-old singer, who relieved eager Justin fans with the anticipated release of his album "The 20/20 Experience" after a seven-year hiatus, also added, "I've been to Coachella many times but not remembered a lot of it, I'll leave it at that."

The newly married Timberlake may need to take it down a notch, and get back to the kitchen where he loves making pies! His Granny Sadie Bomar told The Sun, "I've taught Justin to cook. He loves my pies and now he makes my three-layer pie... Justin comes in the kitchen with me when I'm in there because he wants to know how it's done. He comes in, puts an apron on and wants to learn!" What a precious image. Jessica Biel is one lucky lady.

"The 20/20 Experience" bumped "Delta Machine" from veteran electronic outfit Depeche Mode for the second week in a row. The JT album sales are nearing one million in its first week.

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