Tom Cruise Almost Died While Shooting "Oblivion"

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  • 03:25 PM - 6 April 2013
  • 1 photo

Tom Cruise and Olga Kurylenko have talked to press about their near-death experiences shooting chase scenes for their upcoming dystopian action-thriller " Oblivion." The movie, about a drone repairman sent back to a ravaged earth after a war with aliens, required many scenes of Cruise, 50, and Kurylenko, 33, riding a motorcycle across a sparse and beautiful Icelandic landscape.

"I tried to take control of the handlebars when Tom was driving and we almost had an accident," Olga said. Cruise chimed in: "We were riding over rough terrain in Iceland and I said to her, 'All you have to do is really hold on to me.' She had to hold on tight as every bump we hit I had to accelerate. But every time we hit a bump, her hands left my sides and she tried to grab the handlebars."

"I've never experienced anything like that in my life, I was so shocked, I almost killed us and I kept saying to Olga, 'Listen, we are moving at 50 miles an hour, please please let go.' So I was driving and we'd hit a little bump and I'd be slapping her hand and I was thinking I hope the camera doesn't see me slapping her hand."

The French actress also told "The Late Late Show" she nearly killed Daniel Craig while shooting stunts for "Quantum of Solace." That's one too many leading men, Ms. Kurylenko! May we suggest an indie film for your next project?

To hold you over until April 10, when "Oblivion" comes out in IMAX, check out this amazing link.

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