"She's Beautiful!" Gwyneth Paltrow Defends Pregnant Kim Kardashian

  • News
  • 11:15 PM - 6 April 2013
  • 3 photos

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The tabloid media has not been kind to Kim Kardashian, who is in her third trimester of pregnancy. Even for a celebrity whose otherworldly curves gained her fame and notoriety in the first place, it's a bit much, and Gwyneth Paltrow has spoken up in her defense.

At the opening of her and fitness trainer Tracy Anderson's new fitness studio in Brentwood, California, Paltrow put out some positive vibes, to ET Online of all outlets, supporting the most famous of the Kardashian bunch.

At the April 4 event, Paltrow, a 40-year-old mother of two, said "I think that women should support each other, especially through pregnancy. It's a difficult time, and I think Kim Kardashian looks absolutely beautiful. And we're supposed to gain weight when pregnant, that's how God intended it."

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