Rihanna & Chris Brown: No Wedding, Just Another Break-up

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  • 04:14 PM - 9 April 2013
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Rihanna & Chris Brown: No Wedding, Just Another Break-up

The very famous Hollywood couple with their on/off relationship, ChrisBrown and Rihanna, has news for everyone to talk about which is their recentbreak-up after announcing a wedding in July.

Local and international media can't get enough of this couple's dramasince their getting back together after Brown's physical assault on Rihanna in2009 where he was arrested.

According to E! News, the couple's last separation was followed by anannouncement by Rihanna where she said she will always love Brown but she needsto focus on her singing career, a new perfume and her fashion design line.

As for the most recent break-up news, neither part commented on but accordingto many reports, it was after Brown was seen during the last weekend in thestreets of L.A. with a waitress named Keisha Kimbell.

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