Jennifer Lawrence's Stalker Arrested and Charged by the FBI

  • News
  • 11:09 PM - 29 May 2013
  • 1 photo

Being the world's hottest woman has it's downsides, people. Jennifer Lawrence's stalker, Canadian man Zhao Han Cong, 23, was arrested earlier this month in Louisville. He was stalking and harassing the actress and her brother Blaine Lawrence in the hopes of getting closer to her. On Monday, FBI agents charged Cong with interstate stalking and repeated harassing phone communications. 

He allegedly called Blaine over 200 times in one month. According to leaked documents, Cong, who referred to himself as Jennifer's "husband for life," had told Blaine he wanted to "protect" Jennifer, and that "bad things" would happen to their family. The FBI's swift arrest is no surprise; Cong also made references to the Boston bombings. 
E! Online reports he was taken into custody in Kentucky after stopping at a police station looking for the home address of Jennifer's mother. Police questioned him for three hours, during which he told them he was the second coming of Jesus, among other delusional revelations. He was then hospitalized for psychiatric evaluation. Police arrested him after his release. 

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