Boshra Returns to Cairo from London with Baby Girl Layla

  • News
  • 01:19 AM - 12 June 2013
  • 1 photo

Songstress Boshra has just returned to Cairo with newborn baby girl Layla, whom she gave birth to about a month ago in London. Boshra had travelled to the British capital with her husband businessman Amro Raslan in order to have the baby there.

In her personal statement to , Boshra confirmed that she was in good health, and that she had indeed returned to Cairo and was beginning to return to her work, which includes putting the final touches on her new album.

For the new album, Boshra is collaborating with a number of poets and composers and distributors, among them are songwriter Bahaa El Din Mohamed, composer Mohamed El Nady, Mohamed El Sawy and Amr Mostafa.

This'll be round two for Boshra, who already has one son, Ismail, with husband Raslan. The pair got hitched almost three years ago.

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