Photos: Ghada Abdel Razek Wins Best Actress at Murex D'Or

  • News
  • 01:26 PM - 24 June 2013
  • 3 photos

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Egyptian actress Ghada Abdel Razek won best Arab actress at the Murex D'Or Awards on Sunday night. The ceremony was held at the Casino du Liban in Beirut. She won for her performance in " Ma Sabek Al Asrar" (Premeditation), which aired during Ramadan last year.

The awards are determined by the number of votes from the Arab region. Last year, Tunisian actress Hend Sabry won best actress for her heart-string-tugging performance in " Asmaa," which won several awards in festivals last year as well.
Abdel Razek has made the most of her time in Beirut. She attended an episode of " Arab Idol" to support the Egyptian finalist Ahmed Gamal before Palestinian Mohamed Assaf won the title of Arab Idol a few short days ago.

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