Angelina Jolie Talks to Security Council on Warzone Sexual Violence

  • News
  • 05:37 PM - 25 June 2013
  • 1 photo

Angelina Jolie is many things. A mother of seven, an Oscar winner, a director and producer, a cancer prevention advocate (her double mastectomy made headlines last month), and perhaps the modern epitome of the endlessly ambitious celebrity-philanthropist. One more post to add to that list is Special Envoy to the United Nations, a title she earned in 2012 after previously being a Goodwill Ambassador. 

She made her debut this week speaking in front of the U.N.'s Security Council urging stronger action to end sexual violence and rape in conflicts. 

She told the fifteen-member council, "hundreds of thousands - if not millions - of women, children and men have been raped in conflicts in our lifetimes... If the council sets rape and sexual violence in conflict as a priority it will become one and progress will be made. If you do not, this horror will continue."

Following her statements, the council adopted a wide-reaching resolution demanding the complete and immediate cessation of all acts of sexual violence by all parties to armed conflict, declaring sexual violence a crime against humanity.

British Foreign Secretary William Hague, who presided over the meeting, stated "the time has come for the world to take a strong and determined stand to make clear that the systematic use of rape as a weapon is not acceptable in the modern world and our objective is to change the entire global attitude to these issues." 

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