Amr Waked Thanks Morsi for Uniting Egyptians on Twitter

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  • 12:48 PM - 1 July 2013
  • 1 photo

Amr Waked has taken to his Twitter account to celebrate the outpouring of millions of Egyptians against Morsi, and to thank the President himself for helping to unite millions of Egyptians under a single goal: the downfall of the current regime. 

He wrote to his one million plus followers, "Don't forget that this unity across the spectrum [of Egyptians] with a single goal happened so quickly thanks to Mohamed Morsi and the Brotherhood." He also wrote a similar message in English: "Nearly all Egyptian species are protesting against Morsi!"

Waked was one of the first actors and big-name figures to go out in support of the January 25 protests that eventually brought down Morsi's predecessor, Hosni Mubarak, in February 2011. 

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