Nancy Ajram Dons Turkmen Costume for President's 56th Birthday Bash

  • News
  • 12:41 AM - 2 July 2013
  • 9 photos

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Lebanese popstar Nancy Ajram is keeping things interesting (and controversial) these days: this Saturday she performed for Turkem President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow's 56th birthday party. A number of international stars also performed, including Jennifer Lopez, who's now facing harsh criticism for performing for a known dictator with a poor human rights record. 

The concert was held at a seaside resort in Turkmenistan. Nancy expressed her excitement at getting to wear the traditional Turkmen costume, and had very kind words for the people of Turkmenistan. She flew directly into the central Asian country from London, where she performed last week. 

Jennifer Lopez has now issued an apology to her fans for performing at the corporate affair. A statement from her publicist says, "had there been knowledge of human rights issues [of] any kind, Jennifer would not have attended." 

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