Ghada Abdel Razek Celebrates Birthday, Donates 1 Million Pounds to Charity

  • News
  • 08:25 AM - 6 July 2013
  • 10 photos

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Yesterday Egyptian actress Ghada Abdel Razek ushered in her birthday by not only celebrating with family, as evidenced by this very adorable Instagram photo, but also by donating a large sum, one million Egyptian pounds, to an Egyptian charity.

She celebrated surrounded by her loved ones, her daughter, husband, two sisters and close friend Gigi, as well as some other relatives. Razek, keep in mind, is still in the process of shooting the Ramadan series " Hekayat Hayat."

She announced on the CBC show "Momken" that she would be donating one million pounds to "Daam Masr" (Support Egypt), and also affirmed that every three months she'll donate a portion of her salary to it. She urged all those who have the means to join the initiative as well.

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