"Gravity" Opens the Venerated Venice Film Festival Today

  • News
  • 01:13 PM - 28 August 2013
  • 1 photo

" Gravity," starring George Clooney and Sandra Bullock, will be opening the 70th Venice Film Festival which will run from August 28th to September 7th 2013. The film, directed by Alfonso Cuaron, revolves around an astronaut (Clooney) and a physicist (Bullock) who find themselves lost in space after the destruction of their shuttle. Venice will be the first international launch of the movie.

Venice festival is one of the oldest and most acclaimed international film festivals in the world. Honoring the festival's 70th anniversary, 70 directors have been invited to make micro-short films between 60 and 90 seconds that will be screened back to back on the first day. The work collectively will be called "Future Reloaded."

Director Bernardo Bertolucci is the chairman of jury for this year's edition of the festival. Twenty movies are competing on the different awarded categories with more than fifteen movies screened out of competition

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