Lady Gaga Used Marijuana to Cope With Hip Pain

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  • 11:05 AM - 10 November 2013
  • 1 photo

Singer Lady Gaga stated in an interview with Attitude magazinethat she had to use marijuana in order to deal with the severe painshe suffered from a hip cartilage injury.

The 28-year-old singer said: "I was just numbing, numbing,numbing myself then sleeping it off, then getting on stage, killingit in pain, then getting off and smoking, smoking, smoking." Sheadmitted to reaching a rate of 15 joints a day.

Gaga stated that first she didn't knowwhat the cause of the pain was, and marijuana was her only way outtemporarily, until she underwent a recent surgery. Nevertheless, the“Applause” singer mentioned that her early experiences as astruggling artist contributed to her elevated drug use.

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