Director Lars Von Trier has released anew poster for his controversial upcoming film Nymphomaniac, wherethe film's stars Shia LaBeouf and Charlotte Gainsbourg appear.
The film follows a self-diagnosednymphomaniac recounting her erotic experiences to the man who savedher after a beating. It stars Uma Thurman, Willem Dafoe, Jamie Bell, Stellan Skarsgard, Christian Slaterand Stacy Martin who playsthe main character in an earlier age, while Gainsbourg plays thecharacter in its youth and old age.
The film will be released on two partsin American theaters, (due to its running time of 330 minutes) on the21st of March and the 18th of April 2014. Thefilm stirred controversy even before its production started, as soonas director and the actors confirmed that the film will contain fullynude sex scenes.