Lawyers Seek Preventing Justin Bieber's Half-naked Custody Photos from Being Released

  • News
  • 11:23 PM - 10 February 2014
  • 1 photo

Justin Bieber's lawyers are fighting to prevent half-naked pictures of the star while being searched, taken inside Miami Beach police custody following his arrest last month from being released to the media.

One video of Bieber in police custody being patted down by an officer was already released to the media this week, in violation of the law and Bieber's rights.

Bieber, 19, was charged with driving under influence, resisting arrest and using an expired licence after police say they caught him allegedly drag racing on January 23. He has pleaded not guilty to the charges. This came only days after the Los Angeles police issued a search warrant for Beiber's house after he was accused of throwing eggs at a neighbor's house.

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