Ramadan 2018 Series Schedule


  • 6.5

The show tells the story of two people from two different social classes who fall in love. Their unusual relationship develops and they eventually get married. Will their differences affect their marriage?

Al-Heiba Al-Awda

  • 6.6

When Jabal's father is murdered, the blood feud sends his family and the Al-Sa'eid family into a cycle of violence and tribal conflicts, as those who have unfinished business with Jabal's father appear to complicate things for Jabal.


  • 7.3

Julia is an actress playing small parts, aspiring to take leading roles and prove herself as a star. She gets into character deeply, till she becomes the character she's playing for a period, which gets her into many comic situations.

Harun Al-Rashid

  • 6.5

The series deals with the struggle Harun Al-Rashid faced when his brother Al-Hadi tried to dethrone him. After his mother helped him stay in his position, he had to deal with all the plots that were coming his way. The show also examines the civilization under Harun Al-Rashid's rule.


  • 7.3

The series discusses the fantasy that many young people entertain that relocating to a foreign country will be the solution to their problems, through the love story of Rita, a psychiatrist working in the criminal justice system, and Biyan, an investigator who meets her while working on a case.

Al-Muhallab ibn Abi Sufra

  • 5.1

The plot follows the story of al-Muhallab ibn Abi Sufra who was appointed governor of Khorasan, as well as the values that call for the renunciation of violence and religious extremism, and the spread of tolerance among people.


  • 5.5

When the village women wake up to find all the men gone, they blame a nearby camp of foreigners for the disappearance, especially after the foreigners offer to bring back the men in return for a treasure map.

Raehet El-Rooh

  • 6.1

When Ghada gets married to a prominent and powerful man, she finds herself stuck in a loveless marriage with an emotionless husband. As she finds solace in another man, her husband finds out and they get a divorce. However, this is not the end as the flames of revenge still burn hot.


  • 6.1

The show chronicles the struggles the Syrian people face on a daily basis, especially in Aleppo, through the story of a man who leaves Syria during the war but decides to return to try and change history.


  • 6.2

The show deals with the problems people with sleep paralysis face, by telling the story of Layali, a woman struggling with the disease.

Ma'a Hessa Qalam

  • 6.1

A woman struggles with her bad memory that causes her to forget what happens around her, to the point where she is forced to keep a pen and paper on her at all times to write down every important event that happens in her life.

Al-Asouf 1

  • 5.7

The show deals with the big changes that have occurred in Riyadh over the last five decades, showing the intellectual changes that have affected the society.

Al Wakwak

  • 6.1

A comedy that revolves around a number of people who normally won't be able to stay in one place as fate forces them together when they all get stranded on an island. Forced to come together to survive, they resolve to pick one of them as a leader.


  • 6.8

In a middle-class neighborhood at the heart of the city, the brothers Fares and Zidane fall in love with the same girl, Fathia. Meanwhile, the lawyer Rateb receives life threats from a guy who rose to power in the midst of the chaos ravaging the country.

E'ebrat Share'a

  • 6.8

The series revolves around a cruel woman who can only be described as a woman who has no humanity towards anyone, including her children. She only cares about her own interests and considers art shameful. She refuses to let her daughter work in the field. But for how long will this continue?

Smom 2

  • 6.1

In a mix of culture and comedy, the series shows the daily struggles that the Kuwaiti people had to face 80 years ago, before the discovery of oil.

El-Khtaya El-Ashr

  • 6.8

A social drama about Dr. Ibrahim, who is successful in his work, he decides to go on a trip to an African country to treat people infected with a dangerous virus, and forces his wife to go with him. She discovers things in his personality that leads her to comply to his demands.

Nesr El Saeed

  • 6.4
    • تقييمنا
    • Adult Supervision

The police officer Zain (Mohammed Ramadan) is in a fierce confrontation with Hitler, an Upper Egyptian businessman engaged in illicit trade, the conflict between them intensifies, while Zain finds himself torn between the love of two women, one of whom is his cousin.