All film screenings at the theater are held with a priority being given to the film(s) in high demand.
Now that he is the king of the Pride Lands, Simba wants his cub to follow in his footsteps as he investigates the background of his late father, Mufasa.
It follows El Dashash, who owns a nightclub and deals with many enemies all the time, but when he is exposed to a crisis that turns his life upside down, he seeks to transform into a better man.
Summoned by an unexpected message from her wayfinding ancestors, Moana sets out across the vast oceans of Oceania, venturing into perilous waters for a daring adventure unlike any she has encountered...Read more before.
It follows a black hedgehog named Shadow, who appears and begins to use cunning methods to seek revenge, relying on his extreme intelligence.
The events revolve around Dr. Ahmed, who is interested in giving advice to his followers about building character and marital happiness on social media, while he faces problems in his marital life and...Read more is surprised when his wife offers her friend to marry him.
Majed, along with his friends and teammates, continues to face more challenges and exciting adventures by playing football, while their personal lives are also witnessing more developments and various...Read more changes.
The work takes place over a short period of time, not exceeding a few hours, through a group of characters who interconnect, stories intertwined between them, and love that brings them together.
With his super armor, Captain America starts to eliminate the evil surrounding the country. Samuel Sterns returns thanks to the blood of Hulk, and he calls himself the leader before he collides with...Read more General Thadius Ross who uses Sabra, who has supernatural powers and amazing therapeutic capabilities.