After receiving a message from her ancestors, Moana sets sail to the distant seas of Oceania on an epic adventure full of dangers, facing many obstacles that she has never encountered before.
It revolves around a half-dog, half-human man who seeks to protect his city, while his arch-enemy, the super cat Petey, hunts down his enemies.
Now that he is the king of the Pride Lands, Simba wants his cub to follow in his footsteps as he investigates the background of his late father, Mufasa.
It follows a black hedgehog named Shadow, who appears and begins to use cunning methods to seek revenge, relying on his extreme intelligence.
Paddington the bear goes on an exciting adventure into the Amazon forests and the highest mountain peaks after his visit to Aunt Lucy with the Brown family turns into an unforgettable trip.
A real estate agent returns to the life he left behind long ago when an unexpected message appears from his former partner, as his dark past finally catches up with him.
The Super Wings team embarks on a new adventure across the sky, as they must confront the villain Billy Willy, who has begun his evil plan to abduct social media influencers and dispatch them into...Read more space.
A young Inca girl aspires to be a part of the Chasqui messenger group, which is exclusively male. Despite these obstacles, she defies gender standards and traditions to achieve her goal.
Danny is a veteran hitman with the best years of his career behind him. He gets excited when the organization he works for assigns him a new task, but his excitement is short-lived as he discovers...Read more that the task is to train a brilliant, yet cocky young assassin.
A couple's journey takes a dangerous turn when the wife disappears, so the husband rushes into an adventure to search for her. However, an unknown villain places obstacles for the husband that he...Read more tries to overcome.