The events revolve around a Saudi family who follows strict instructions from their grandfather to stay in the desert during the early nineties. However, a series of events shake the family's...Read more foundations, and they find themselves in a struggle between life and death.
A pilot flies across the Alaskan wilderness with an Air Marshal and a fugitive headed for trial. As they journey, tensions escalate and trust is put to the test, revealing that not everyone aboard the...Read more plane is who they claim to be.
It follows El Dashash, who owns a nightclub and deals with many enemies all the time, but when he is exposed to a crisis that turns his life upside down, he seeks to transform into a better man.
Accidentally left behind when his family goes on summer vacation, Kevin McCallister's newfound freedom is interrupted when a pair of burglars try to break into his house. It's up to Kevin to defend...Read more himself and his home with the aid of some boobytraps.