The events revolve around the character of Dr. Ahmed, who is interested in giving advice to his followers about building personality and marital happiness on social media, while he faces problems in...Read more his marital life and is surprised when his wife offers her friend to marry him.
After receiving a message from her ancestors, Moana sets sail to the distant seas of Oceania on an epic adventure full of dangers, facing many obstacles that she has never encountered before.
The very popular singer Nahar is subjected to a campaign of racism accusations. He suddenly announces his upcoming marriage to a black woman live on air, which puts him in a race against time to find...Read more the right woman.
Now that he is the king of the Pride Lands, Simba wants his cub to follow in his footsteps as he investigates the background of his late father, Mufasa.
While on a bridge, a couple of security guards, who happen to be father and son, working for an armored truck company come across a group of potential robbers and must devise a plan to make it out of...Read more this dangerous situation alive.
Majed, along with his friends and teammates, continues to face more challenges and exciting adventures by playing football, while their personal lives are also witnessing more developments and various...Read more changes.
The film follows a Russian immigrant named Sergei Kravinoff, who is on a mission to prove that he is the most important and greatest hunter in the world.