The work revolves around Jawhar and his friend Farji, whose lives change radically when they discover a mysterious manuscript that houses a cunning genie named Zaazou. They embark with him on a...Read more strange adventure in order to fulfill 100 wishes.
The work showcases the imaginative and creative stages that Pharrell Williams uses using the famous LEGO pieces and how he uses these pieces to express his art.
After the despotic rulers that now rule Rome take control of his hometown, Lucius is compelled to enter the Colosseum and must turn to his past to restore Rome's splendor to her citizens.
Justin Kemp is a murder jury member who finds himself in a moral dilemma when he tries to convince a jury to convict an innocent man.
A truck driver named Vincent is in charge of providing transportation to a young woman named Thirty-Seven. Although her peculiar actions raise his suspicions, it eventually becomes apparent that the...Read more driver may not be as innocent as he first appears to be.
Ali dreams of becoming a famous actor one day, but his dream turns into a nightmare when he gets involved with a dangerous gang that puts his life in danger.
Eddie Brock and Venom are forced to make a fateful decision that will end their final dance as they are being pursued by both of their worlds and danger is closing in.
A biopic of the French singer and songwriter Charles Aznavour, from his humble beginnings through his rise to fame and his arrival to the pinnacle of glory in music.
The mystery substance that enables individuals to modify their age and looks is the primary focus of the movie, but it also has numerous negative effects and changes in the lives of those who use it.